The Truth About The Cauliflower Gnocchi Craze

“I set a new PR last night. Two bags.” -Mel “Ohhhh..... I’ve done that before.” -Mooch

No, it wasn’t some type of weight training bag, or running bag or bag for yoga (is that a thing?). This new record was..... Cauliflower Gnocchi. If you haven’t caught our latest obsession we talk about quite frequently (and apparently set records with), let us introduce you to possibly the BEST item Trader Joe’s has put into production. Ever. Cauliflower replaces potato for the lead role of gnocchi in these delicious bundles of joy. Combined with cassava flour, potato starch a little EVOO and salt.... they are a party for both your taste buds and your belly. Even better news is that not only can you make it in 10 minutes or less, but the possibilities for preparation are endless. Below are four of our favorite gut-healthy combinations- each offering a different variation of gnocchi preparation. Trader Joe’s... you’ve outdone yourself. And we are not complaining.

The Classic MOVE. Even Nonna Mooch approves this traditional (vegan-ified, gut-friendly) dish. Follow directions to cook your gnocchi on the stovetop. After 5 minutes of cooking it with water on the base, drain the water so there is just a tiny bit left in the pan. After 1 minute, add in one container of sliced portobello mushrooms and 1⁄3 cup of Trader Joe’s Vegan Kale Pesto. Continue to cook covered on medium heat. Once the mushrooms have softened (2 minutes) remove the lid and top with an entire bag of organic arugula (or spinach). Return the lid but turn off the heat. The spinach will soften from the heat and steam emerging from the gnocchi and mushrooms. After 4 minutes (or once spinach is soft), remove the lid, stir all together and add in grape or cherry tomatoes, halved. Top with cayenne pepper (optional) and enjoy!

The Millennial MOVE. MOVE. over potato salad, there is a new dish at the potluck table. After preparing your gnocchi (we recommend microwaving for this variation), chill it in the fridge for 45 minutes or until completely cool. Add: 1 red bell pepper, diced 1⁄2 red onion, diced 1 can of sliced olives 1⁄2 bunch of asparagus, chopped 1⁄4 cup of EVOO

Salt & pepper to taste Kick up the flavor with cumin, basil or parsley. Or... go super millennial and toss in some avocado.

The Happy Hour MOVE. A twist of a crowd favorite. Prepare the gnocchi, following the directions for boiling it. Once done, place in the fridge to cool. With cooled gnocchi, alternate on a small skewer or toothpick: half of a cherry tomato, one gnocchi, a piece of basil, the other half of a cherry tomato. When finished, place all of your skewers on a tray and drizzle with EVOO, salt and pepper to taste. Optional: Balsamic Glaze (yes Trader Joe’s has this, too.)

The Comforting MOVE. Cold temperatures, warm bellies. Grab your candles, blankets, cozy socks and dig in. Inspired by Kiah Dremel Preheat the oven to 425 degrees Line a baking sheet with avocado oil, parchment paper or coconut oil. Top with: 2 bags of cauliflower gnocchi 4 large tomatoes (heirloom for color!) 1/2 large onion, sliced thinly 1 large eggplant, diced to be about the size of gnocchi Bake all together for 30-35 minutes. Enjoy! Optional: top with basil, salt, pepper or nutritional yeast.

As we head into the holidays, it can be really fun to put our own creative MOVE. on traditional dishes. Not only does that support us in staying in balance with our food choices, but eating gut-healthy foods helps us to have even more energy to pour into all the holiday festivities. And of course, if you find yourself out of whack when 2019 rolls in, we got you covered- scope out our next course: reLAUNCH. Consider it your chance to relearn how to think, eat and workout in a way that will have you feeling your best throughout ALL of 2019. How good will it feel to make it past the February Fizzle of New Year's Resolutions? Join Us! In the meantime, who has figured out a dessert recipe for these goodies? We need to know.... Immediately.

Wishing you Peace, Love & Healthy Guts. Mooch & Mel Join us on Insta!

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